Stealth Syndrome Study, Part 4: How Do Science & Society Benefit?

Part 4 of 4

The following is based on “The Study & Protocol As Approved by The UCSF Medical School CHR.” That’s where you will find the citations, footnotes and scientific details. Also, please note that “Chemicals of Emerging Concern” is synonymous with a subset of “Environmental Chemicals.”

Stealth Syndrome Study, Part 1: Where Did The Idea Come From?

Stealth Syndrome Study, Part 2: How Will The Process Work?

Stealth Syndrome Study, Part 3: Controlling Micronutrients


  1. First connection established between dietary intervention and health indicators.
  2. Establishment of a framework to move risk assessment of low-level Chemicals of Emerging Concern beyond traditional toxicological evaluations and toward molecular and epigenetic evaluations.
  3. Development of techniques to reduce exposure to CECs.
  4. Emphasis on techniques (#2, above) that can easily and economically be implemented by the average person without significant disruption to daily lives.
  5. Overall improvement in public health and a potential path to reducing the rising incidence of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and other behavioral disorders, fertility and developmental disorders.